Villages of Etruscan origin

There are so many and all very fascinating to visit at any time of the year, here is a list.


3 km from Capodimonte, with its fishing village and the delicious “cannaiola” wine that is produced almost exclusively in this area.


At 21.5 km, with its beautiful historic center.


13 km away, with its wonderful view over the entire lake and the excellent EST EST EST wine known all over the world.

Civita di Bagnoregio

At 28 km, known as “the dying city“, included among the most beautiful villages in Lazio.


At 18 km, with its splendid Etruscan necropolis.


At 24.5 km, with its shops, numerous attractions and the historic center so rich in history and culture.

The “tuff villages”

Sovana (40 km), Sorano (32 km) and Pitigliano (33 km), the latter considered among the most beautiful villages in Italy. Orvieto (42 km), with its Cathedral and the famous well of San Patrizio and Bomarzo (38.5 km), famous for the “park of monsters” due to the particular sculptures scattered in the area.

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